If a Licensee is found to have violated these conditions of use, then Key may cancel the Licensee’s License and terminate this Agreement.
Limited Preview License means a license to Use the Software in Preview Mode Order Confirmation or License Confirmation means the printed or electronic copy of the invoice or invoice confirmation record received by a Licensee from Key or from one of Key’s authorized educational dealers or distributors, or any other printed or electronic confirmation of a License received by Licensee from Key or displayed by the Software upon registration.. Geometer's Sketchpad License CodeGeometer's Sketchpad 5 0DEFINITIONS:Geometer's Sketchpad License CodeGeometers sketchpad free download - The Geometer's Sketchpad, The Geometer's Sketchpad, SketchPad, and many more programs.. Preview Mode means the restricted and time-limited state of the Software prior to the registration of the Software via an Authorization Code as required for Use under a License.
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Documentation means the printed or electronic reference materials and other printed or electronic materials accompanying the Software.. License Name means the name given to a License by the Licensee or by Key for the purpose of identifying the License, typically, the name of the school or institution or the name of the individual Licensee, unless Licensee selects to use another identifying name.. License means a Single-User License, a School/Institution License, a Student License, a Student 1-Year License, or any other license as defined by Key from time to time.. Geometers sketchpad free download - The Geometer's Sketchpad, and many more programs. Grabador De Video Gratis Para Mac
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Product means Software and Documentation Use means install, use, access, display, run, or otherwise interact with the Product. Adobe Reader Pdf For Mac
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Licensee means an individual or institution that has legally obtained a License and that is legally able to Use the Product under the terms of that License, or any individual that Uses the Product under a Limited Preview License.. Middle school students can build their readiness for algebra by exploring ratio and proportion, rate of change, and functional relationships through multiple representations.. Authorization Code means the unique code delivered to Licensee in conjunction with a License and that enables the Use of the Software under the terms of the License.. License Term means the period of time associated with a License, if any GRANT OF LICENSEThe Geometer's Sketchpad® is a software for teaching mathematics.. Key grants the Licensee a limited, non-exclusive license to Use the Product on one or more computers of the Licensee consistent with the conditions set forth below.. Do not run the installer Instead, drag the Sketchpad folder onto your hard drive. cea114251b caiet de exercitii engleza pdf